Quimerus’ main objective is to promote the use of technology in favor of health.
Our first step is to promote the responsible use of video games and use it as part of certain therapies and treatments which have shown that its effects are beneficial.
The main project in which we embark this 2025 is to analyze, from the point of view of the health professional, a video game per month which we will choose to be beneficial for health as a complement to a therapy or treatment that results in the benefit of patient and health professional.
The game will be played from beginning to end, the complete game will be recorded, it will be published on our YouTube channel and an article with the conclusions and recommendations will be published.
These recommendations will be verified by a health professional specialized in the corresponding subject.
The statements and conclusions published will be shown with the greatest possible objectivity.
We are also partners and active part of the project of Magazine in paper and online Games Tribune Magazine, that we encourage you to follow and to become partners; http://www.gamestribune.com/.
Finally, gameplays of educational and entertainment video games suitable for all audiences are periodically broadcast on our YouTube channel.